Doodle Farts! (promo codes) Release today!

Available today! (9/1/10)
Doodle Farts is an ALL IN WONDER fart box!
There may be other sound boxes out there that “play” fart sounds
.. but Doodle Farts actually lets you play with your farts! Doodle Farts v1.1
is the latest release from Scuba_ Doodle Farts has a multi frequency fart
generator that puts you in complete control of Bucks farting ability!
A fart box, sound generator with variable frequency farts and a mini fart memory game.
Promo Codes:
Confidence is high that this new doodle with be a grand slam smash hit!
(take a look at the screen shots)

Doodle Farts is an ALL IN WONDER fart box!
There may be other sound boxes out there that “play” fart sounds
.. but Doodle Farts actually lets you play with your farts! Doodle Farts v1.1
is the latest release from Scuba_ Doodle Farts has a multi frequency fart
generator that puts you in complete control of Bucks farting ability!
A fart box, sound generator with variable frequency farts and a mini fart memory game.
Promo Codes:
Confidence is high that this new doodle with be a grand slam smash hit!
(take a look at the screen shots)

It's one of those apps that just make you laugh, farts will always be funny!
any thought on the best advertising method for getting an app "out there"?
"doodle"...which should be good since its the most search term on the app store.
Fart apps.. Sounds hilarious!
It's a niche market most definitely!
Well, fingers crossed that "keywords" and word of mouth make it haooen
Nice Job!
Thank you for all that have downloaded and reviewed
What's up dik? Thanks for calling my app "crap"..
Thank you EastBound for your insight
Don't mind (or feed) the troll.
How have your sales been thus far if you don't mind me asking?
"We have over 250,000 apps in the App Store. We don't need any more Fart apps. If your app doesn't do something useful or provide some form of lasting entertainment, it may not be accepted."
I think its pretty clear that from the screen shots alone this is way more than just a simple fart app. It looks like it could take hours just to go through all the possible combinations of farts and then theres a matching game on top of that. Thats where the lasting entertainment comes in. (If your into that, which there are tons of people into that). I'm pretty sure even Apple can appreciate and realize that this is not just some "crap" an idiot threw together to impress his friends.