So I just had a great idea... Rabbit Run PRO has been approved and is sitting there waiting for release tomorrow, and we have a couple of promo codes to spare so I thought I'd run a little giveaway for you 
We've got 5 promo codes to spare, so the only fair way to do it is to pull names out of a hat, so you have from now until 8PM GMT (8 hours, 20 minutes from the time of this post) to get in on the action.
Just drop a post in with "I WANT A PROMO CODE" and your email, and I'll include you in the draw.
..and if you feel like retweeting (), it might help your chances (in a self acclaimed way)
Thanks guys!
// red.

We've got 5 promo codes to spare, so the only fair way to do it is to pull names out of a hat, so you have from now until 8PM GMT (8 hours, 20 minutes from the time of this post) to get in on the action.
Just drop a post in with "I WANT A PROMO CODE" and your email, and I'll include you in the draw.
..and if you feel like retweeting (), it might help your chances (in a self acclaimed way)

Thanks guys!
// red.
@POLY, it's out in NZ if you want to buy the first known copy
// red.
[email protected]
I've decided to open it up for the next 3 hours or so (12AM GMT - UK LAUNCH) so hurry up and get your tickets in!
// red.
Thank you
// red.
// red.
// red.