Laggy touch interface

I started a blank app. It was simply testing sounds pressed on touch keys. I compiled and ran it on my iphone 3GS. The touch sensitivity was terribly laggy. I even noticed sounds playing well after I touched them or not registering touches at all. I thought it was the phone at first. Closed all running apps and ran this - same issue. Graphically it is tiny, the entire compiled file is less than 2 megs. There isn't anything complex going on, why is this lagging to death? Any ideas?
Could it be you have 50-60 actors all on screen with different rules for each sound causing problems?
Could it be the format for the sound? .wav .ogg etc
Not sure GS can play multiple sounds together.
If you only have 5 actors i have no idea.
When is that big update coming out for GS? Isn't that overdue already?
However, GS does not natively play .wav files. It converts them to .ogg files when you import them.
I would try making proper .ogg files and see if that helps.