Alpha Zone - Out Now!
Alpha Zone is now available on the appstore
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I will leave a review after trying it out
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Here's a few bugs I noticed.
When I picked up the laser, died, then start a new game. The laser is still there and ready for use. Is that what's suppose to happen?
I suggest making "Slow time" and "Shield Boost" a little bit longer. Maybe 3 seconds?
Other than that, Great game.
My highscore is 4000 beat that!!!
There must be a glitch or some tricks!!! Tell me!!! Mwuhahahahaha
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I'll give it a go and leave a review
It starts off a bit slow. Or it *feels* like it does. maybe make the streaking lines move faster to convey a better sense of speed?
The music is a bit repetitive and slow too.
Other than that, I think it looks lovely, and gets quite manic later!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I just bought the game after seeing the trailer. Here are my thoughts:
The game is very aesthetically pleasing. I really like the look and feel and in my opinion, it's one of the strong points of your game.
I agree with quantumsheep, I think the music is a little slow and repetitive - maybe a little too generic as well. I also think maybe a few more special effects may help make the gameplay more exciting. Maybe special effects for the ship as it goes left or right or maybe a few more sounds from the enemy as they are approaching.
Gameplay is one of the weaker aspects of this game. I don't believe all is lost though. If you made a few tweaks, I think the Gameplay can be up to par. For example, there was a few times where there were some lulls in the game. Sometimes there would be a bunch of enemies on the screen and sometimes they would be few and far between. In fact, one time when I noticed this, I just took my fingers off of the controls and for a period of 10 seconds, I didn't have to try to dodge any enemies or use any of my weapons or shield. They all flew by me every once in a while without any threat. When there were several enemies on the screen, it was challenging to a certain degree. I think the challenge should be more consistent.
Maybe even speed up the game a little as well. I think this could add to the challenging factor as well as make the slow time button have a bigger impact (I think the slow time button is really cool)
I think it would be cool to see the space ship animate as you move it to the left or right.
When you lose your final shield, there is an explosion which signals that you have blown up but when you get hit any other time, there is no explosion or really anything much that happens. I think it would be neat to have a few sparks or something.
Great work on this game. Again, love the look and feel.
You're probably both right about the music, I will change the track.
The game speed is supposed to start slow, and gradually speed up. I thought this would allow the player to get used to it a bit.
I gave it to some people to play before I submitted and they said it was too fast and too hard. It was originally faster and harder. Maybe it should be faster. Also, I made it so there are only a couple of obstacles to dodge at first, then more appear the longer you play.
@conrad74 I will look into adding more effects and animations. I will probably add more/different types of obstacles also. I will work and trying to get a better balance.
Good score QS!
Thanks for the feedback guys.
There is still something that is missing for me. The song in the background is dominating - I wish the plane would make a flying noise or something...
One more thing. Is this just a one level game? If so, maybe several levels with something different on each level would be nice as well...
hrs - why not try out my first game, Singularity Drive (it's free!):
It's almost like a side scrolling version of your game (albeit with only two weapons!)
It might also give you an idea of how the music affects it. Try playing it without the music and you'll see it's a bit dull. The fast music enhances the experience I think!
Anyway, enough self promotion! Good luck with your game!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Oh and HRS, definitely needs pause! Gendai hurry up!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
@QS - I just had a go of singularity drive got to year 2097 score was 28200. Cool game, I like the feel of it, is very similar to mine. I like the backgrounds and the date progression is great idea. Music is cool, I will def change the music in my game!
Oh, and I noticed you were in N&N in arcade I think!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...