1st Look at Grass Balls & A Bucket - AppChogie learning project

This is a first look at a working concept for a physics ball game. I have used this project to look at physics as I haven't done much with it and also to play with a zoom function and remembering the state of the game, such as if you have played the tutorial then it will not present you with the "play tutorial" selection again.

Thanks for arog for the puzle dropper template found on GS.

Thanks for arog for the puzle dropper template found on GS.
very cool though, very similar to Enigmo!
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Also, gotta love those GarageBand loops!
The game looks really cool. With a little more graphic improvement, this game could actually be a hit!!
Isn't GarageBand loops copyrighted?
I am glad that people like it tho!
About the tutorial not showing if you've watched it already....think about that user letting his/her friends play...they will want to read the tutorial...just a suggestion because we nearly did exactly the same for our last game.