E.W.O. - S.W.A.T. /// A 1st person shooter - coming soon from GSalad (hopefully)
I thought we would announce our new project.
I can't share too much by way of look and game play yet (don't want you all stealing our thunder
...but we are excited about this title and look forward to publishing with GameSalad (hopefully if all goes well). We haven't had much luck with our last 2 major titles (BDX and Toxic Roach - both shelved because GS isn't quite ready for them yet)...but we think this game is going to make it out of the box.
Its a 1st person style shooter...kinda. We are going to "simulate" a 1st person 3D shooter but this one will be 2D (technically). However...with the use of high res model imagery from 3DStudio and a little Hollywood magic...we hope to pull off a somewhat immersive game experience that will feel like a real shooter and play like a real shooter but will be a stationary environment. The art is coming along VERY well so far using models...but we have a lot yet to go.
We have built a level prototype this week and it seems to work well with GS with frame rates clocking in around 50-60 FPS on the 4G and load times around 3-5 seconds on an iPod 2G (so far). So if we can maintain this level of optimization (and perhaps with a little Gendai help in the next release on RAM demands/memory creep)...we hope to have our 3D shooter out within 4-6 weeks.
Below is an icon for the game, the intro splash screen (2 doors that slide open to start the game), and one of the weapon's cards (game will have 7 weapons...this is the first 1). That's all I can share for now...but I will keep you posted on this thread as development progresses and once we get a little closer to our release target.

I can't share too much by way of look and game play yet (don't want you all stealing our thunder

Its a 1st person style shooter...kinda. We are going to "simulate" a 1st person 3D shooter but this one will be 2D (technically). However...with the use of high res model imagery from 3DStudio and a little Hollywood magic...we hope to pull off a somewhat immersive game experience that will feel like a real shooter and play like a real shooter but will be a stationary environment. The art is coming along VERY well so far using models...but we have a lot yet to go.
We have built a level prototype this week and it seems to work well with GS with frame rates clocking in around 50-60 FPS on the 4G and load times around 3-5 seconds on an iPod 2G (so far). So if we can maintain this level of optimization (and perhaps with a little Gendai help in the next release on RAM demands/memory creep)...we hope to have our 3D shooter out within 4-6 weeks.
Below is an icon for the game, the intro splash screen (2 doors that slide open to start the game), and one of the weapon's cards (game will have 7 weapons...this is the first 1). That's all I can share for now...but I will keep you posted on this thread as development progresses and once we get a little closer to our release target.

I hope you don't release it until after my shooter; it's pretty simplistic and this will make it look like crap >.<'
Well done. ^-^;
The other 8 slots are open to any other takers!....Anyone? ... Anyone? ...
Is it for a game? Or is it just an avatar?
*Note to self: Make game about bacon. ????. Profit.
you can check it out here:
Your note to self isn't far from what we were thinking/hoping.
My business partner stated months ago we needed an app about bacon. He claims he read somewhere that bacon is in "fashion" right now. So...we decided to put a plate of bacon on our icon and see what happens.
From bandaids to wallets to lube, it's there.
The app is very good looking, when I have some money on my card I'll buy it along with a number of other GS ones I've been looking at for a time now
I'm a poor young woman, and apps must come second to the bacon that sustains me ^-^; (Well, bacon and rum.)
Anyway...if you can use a promo...send me an email via the support link on the website.
EDIT @Peach:
"and rum?" Did you pick up our Rum app? HA!
I did NOT see the rum app - lol - how amusing.
That said, it's all a bit fancy for me - I'm a simple pirat... I mean, girl. A simple girl. Not a pirate.
EWO SWAT will have 8 scenes and about 8 levels in each scene. Then we will have about 3 or 4 rounds per level. Then we will have all those in 2 game modes...normal and ELITE modes.
That makes for about 450 rounds in the game. We think that should be fairly deep for a $0.99 app.
You can't see it in the static screenshot below...but the red and blue glows in the background (at opposite corners) are flashing police lights adding a little more depth to the UI backdrop which also shines subtly through the sky above the building.
// red.
I can't wait to see how you pull off the 3D effect and how it looks.
Good luck with the rest of the production.
We too are really excited about this one. I think it will be our strongest concept yet. I think this one has a high likelihood of getting released...since we aren't using ANY physics in it.
I've been working all day today and all evening (and night) on modeling setups and wireframe sketching.
I so far have about 5 models roughed out...and below is a test rendering of our first level. The model has NO textures on it...as this rendering was purely a test of light setups.
Our goal is to make a 2D game that FEELS as close to a 1st person shooter as possible. The gameplay overlay is a proven concept...so we have high hopes the market responds well.
The test rendering for an outdoor level background's lighting:
Then the ACAD dwg is Xref Linked into 3DStudio for lighting and textures. The reason we use ACAD as a stepping stone is that the live xref linking allows us to make edits anytime in ACAD (adding, modifying or subtracting model assets) and 3DStudio can maintain realtime updates of those changes...where as that cannot occur from sketchup to 3DStudio.
Below are 2 level scenes (in rough sketch model form) of a motel and a subway platform.
Yes...layers will be a part of it...along with some visual FX and some "movie magic tricks".
// red.
guess you are using clips as loops to pull this off.
can this game be played on 3g and 2g?
Good work!
I think this one will work okay. We have done a couple of test levels and it seems to go okay. Not sure what happens when we get lots of stuff in it ... but I think its all going to work ... fingers crossed.
We are using very few animation clips...mostly just for gun animation. Most everything else is being (or will be) interpolated or manipulated in other ways. Since we are not using much (if any) of the physics engine...we think its going to be fairly light and most of the RAM is being used by images. We are working to keep those optimized...but its tough when working with full screen graphics.
Fabulous job.... words cannot describe how amazing this looks!
The icon also looks incredible, and will certainly draw attention to your game.!
We hope its successful...as we need some income!
Weird, huh?