Sound works in Preview, but not on device
I'm working in Chrome (due to the sound bug) on the web creator and when I preview, the sound plays like it should. I uploaded the game to my phone via the Gamesalad Viewer and the sound no longer plays at all. Is it Gamesalad Viewer or another bug?
I wouldn't trust Viewer. Push a build to TestFlight or make a APK and test that.
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Just so we can debug, Android or iOS? Thx!
Sounds good
I am having the same problem and I am on an iOS
Miss Faith
Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now!
the screen is rotating in the viewer also, even though I have it set in my game properties
to only left landscape.
Miss Faith
Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now!
@The Glessnerd you may need to DM me the "" link or the creator link so I can see what's up.
The autorotate variables are read-only. We leave them writable in creator so you can test different scenarios. Autorotate settings used have to be set at the app level, so you can't control that in the viewer (though now there's enough API that we could probably fake it).
Not having the issue anymore
Ok, I found how to use the viewer to at least test all other features until I am ready for a Hoc. Thank you for your reply.
Miss Faith
Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now!
Sound works in Preview, but not on device
@The Glessnerd I am having the same sound issue. My trigger for playing the sound works in the preview, but when I publish and test on a device (Mac or iPhone), the sound is not triggered correctly. It is only triggered after a few interactions on the game, not in the first interaction as it is set in the behaviors. I see above that you said you were not having the issue any longer...I know this post is from a long time ago, but just hoping you have a memory of how you fixed it? I am having this issue repeatedly but can't find much about it online, and it is making me crazy.
Can you send me your project so I can take a look? I know this can be an issue with the HTML5 engine, as sometimes the browser blocks sounds until certain interactions, but it shouldn't be a problem with the iOS or MacOS builds.