Suggest me some good sofas for Home decorations

jefjam7812jefjam7812 Member Posts: 4

I have one tech youtube channel where I publish some reviews videos and unboxing videos. I am thinking of setting up my studio, so for that, I need one good looking sofa that I can place and sit in front of the camera and shoot videos.

Suggest me some sofas or what are your opinions about that?


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Kind of off-topic... but if you're looking for suggestions, maybe post three or four options you're considering and people can weigh in. Or post what you've seen in someone else's videos that you like and people can comment.

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  • davis1296qdavis1296q Member Posts: 3

    What is your budget?

    Since , you are a YouTube so pre assuming that you have a really good budget for that. There are lots of good sofas available. 

    But since your priority is comfort, so I recommend you to go with any decent leather sofa. They are much more comfortable as compared to leather sofas. I found one reference guide for you.Where you will get all the suggestions. Cheers

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    If we didn't already have a really comfy couch, I'm a fan of (for looks) and (because I like stuff that's modular)

    If you already have a following, I'd also suggest see if any of the online sellers are looking to sponsor. Or, hit up whoever you end up buying from with your audience stats and ask if they'd like to sponsor because you love their product (amore authentic endorsement).

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