My love for GameSalad never ends. FREE goodies inside!

LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881

Well... never ends... This one lasts 3 days ;)

Hi GameSaladeers!!

Last week I posted about my free button course on YouTube (the last lectures will be posted soon) and now I have a new Udemy Blender 3D course online and I give away UNLIMITED coupons for a FREE course for 3 days. The only thing I ask in return (that is no obligation but a request) is to give me a 5 stars review when you like the course. This is only for GameSalad Forum members. That is you!

Coupon details below the video.

Blender can next to 3D modeling also be used to render awesome 2D game assets to be used in GameSalad. That is not covered in this course but it is not so hard to do that with the knowledge you learn.

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I have made UNLIMITED FREE coupons for GameSalad users for 3 days. Use the link below.

I would be eternally grateful if you would leave a five start review when you complete the course. 

It’s a beginners course but there is some awesome paint lessons in there for more advanced users.

Coupon code MASTER28-ILOVEGS

Details Free Unlimited redemptions

Expires in 3 days

Start date June 12, 2020 5:23 AM PDT

End date June 15, 2020 5:23 AM PDT

Normal price is $34,99

Course description

How awesome would it be to create your own game art or VR scene? Maybe you have tried Blender or another 3d application before but got overwhelmed by all the possibilities. Fear not, help is here! After a successful course for previous Blender 3d versions, here is the new course for Blender 2.80 and up.

About your teacher

My name is Ludwig and I have created this exciting course. I have helped game developers all over the world with their code and art with success. One of these games (Amico Ragnolo) even won an award! I have been a Blender user for over 10 years, like working with Unity, Unreal Engine and SketchFab. I would love to share my knowledge with you!

Content of this course

You will create a model in a stylized form like Animal Crossing, Fortnite, World of Warcraft or Dota2. You will only use Blender, so no Photoshop or other applications. You will not use any prefab textures but paint everything yourself. You will get your hands working as much as possible and most theory is woven into the hands-on practice so you will not be bored with long theoretic lectures. Each lecture you will learn more about how Blender works. You will not have to do the same over and over because every lecture you will learn new things. You will create materials and textures and learn how to apply them on your model. Then you will set up the lighting and learn how to render. In the end you will setup the model in a Sketchfab scene. Then you will setup VR in your SketchFab scene and you will be able to look around in your scene in VR*! It is also possible to view your scene with Augmented Reality** in SketchFab. This scene can be used to show friends, family and maybe more important be used in your portfolio!

 You will learn

  • correct 3d terminology like vertex, edge, face, etc.
  • modelling
  • uv unwrapping
  • texture painting with techniques from the old masters
  • make particles
  • set up light
  • work with HDR backgrounds
  • upload and recreate your scene in Sketchfab
  • and a lot more!

Come and join me on an adventure! Don’t be afraid, it’s great fun! (this is the payed version)

Thanks! I hope to see in the course.

Ludwig a.k.a. LUMP


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