2017 Thanksgiving Game Jam WINNER is...
... Turkey Drop - by @Toque !
Congratulations to @Toque, developer of our 2017 Thanksgiving Game Jam! You've won a month of GameSalad Pro!
Looking for a fun pick-up-and-play timing game? Turkey is a fantastic level-based game that has great replay-ability with beautiful graphics to suit. Tukey Drop is a wonderful example of what can be built within a limited timeframe with our new web platform, Creator 2.0! Be sure to check out Turkey Drop on the GameSalad Arcade, HERE!
Special Mention
Turkey Herding by @Hopscotch !
This submission has simple, attractive graphics with a unique mechanic. Nicely done, @Hopscotch ! Your project was very fun to play with and I found myself looking at the clock and realizing 30 minutes had flown by.
Thank you to all who participated! I hope you had fun - I certainly had fun playing your games!
Your participation forum badges are on their way. Expect to see them shortly!
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Congratulations @Toque and @Hopscotch!
Thanks Braydon!!! It was perfect timing for me. I wanted to try the new engine, practice some pixel art and see if I could actually do it. I was lucky it was simple and I had basically no bugs or would of never finished.
I think there is potential in this engine. I hope my feedback and others will help make it a great engine. Looking forward to seeing the updates.
Thanks @Twayne2 and @tatiang for making it fun. Without your comments and trash talk I don't think I would of finished it!
Woot! Thank you @Braydon_SFX !
Congrats @Toque for winning!
Special thanks for everyone that competed!
Here is a butchered state of my game : http://arcade.gamesalad.com/games/145848
That’s so cool. The art alone is first class. Well done.
Congratz @Toque and @Hopscotch! Great job.
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Congrats, @Toque! Well done, @Hopscotch!
I'm already warming up my santa hat for the next one...
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Awesome, congrats guys!
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Congrats guys!
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@Toque Congratulations, I see you "tuke" first place!
Nailed it!!! Thanks
Thanks again.
@Toque do you have a twitter. I'm gonna tweet this and wanted to point people to you!
I don’t have twitter or anything. But thanks. I will probably publish a version of it to the App Store before next thanksgiving.
Don't tell him that! He'll think he has until then to fix it!
dang it @PhilipCC , you ruined my year long break plan.
However, when you finally fix it you'll deserve a year long sabbatical.
Only problem is that software is never finished!
Ditto, Congratulations @Toque and @Hopscotch!