Gamespark and Gamesalad: I am back.
It has been a while. Work, work, and life have kept me away. I got a few more tutorials up on Youtube for those who are still interested. Thank you fmakawa and David for motivating me to start my first Gamesalad game since 2014.
- User login and registration simplified. You can forget about the old convoluted way.
- Saving tables and retrieving them by users.
- Leaderboards. Around me and top x.
Both 2 and 3 will support any number of leaderboards and tables (I guess within the limits of Gamesparks).
Thanks for these videos. Really helpful.
Have you managed to add a user email and email verification to the registration, and setup a password recovery?
Thanks again.
It works fine I use this in Orcs for
+Online / offline check
+Player registration (emails only, check done within game salad) and login
+Saving and Loading Tables
I am looking into the cross platform leaderboards now
Thanks Adrian!
My Apps
It works great for cross platform Leaderboards. Keen to see if we can work out a way for Facebook integration.
I've managed to setup the registration, login, saving, and loading tables.
How do you send an activation email from Gamesparks?
How are you checking if the user is online or offline?
There is not activation email required. It directly makes a new user if he doesn't exist if you use adriands version. So the requirements have to be done on game salad site like ( min. 1 @ have a "." after the @, min character etc)
My Apps
I do a general offline/online check not for the state of the gamespark player but for if the server is reachable or not. ( no player data in the url)
I send a minimal table (credential, with no cloud code) to gamesparks.
You could also do a log event in the cloud code with the callback results success or fail but there I would need a template from adrian again.
But i figured it also works with no cloud code since if the player has no internet the return will be -1. And if it reaches the server and runs empty cloud code the state remains 0.
So i make this test and if it goes -1 i pause the game and say reconnect to play.
In the pause screen it does every 1 second a send url to this same table.
It will result in -1 as long there is no internet. Once you have internet it will turn 0.
And if its 0 for 2 seconds ( uncheck run to completion) than I unpause.
My Apps
I've added the email to a custom user table when the user registers. But I would be nice for an email to be sent to the user with an email confirmation link.
Alslo, how are you dealing with password recovery?
Has anyone implemented password recovery/reset with Gamesparks?