Best one I saw was 'Voodoo in Central London' which has all the halmarks of a great pulp horror/detective plot... Carnacki the Ghost Hunter in 'A case of the voodoo you do!'
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
Hi @zweg25 That's a good idea but one open to possible abuse - best to leave to the mods to clean up as we've been doing - eventually we'll track down the culprits "and put an end to their game"... hopefully...
Us members seem...appear to be pretty well behaved...abusing a SPAM button does not seem like what our community is about here. Im surprised we are viewed as having that type of mob mentality to abuse such a function. having non members spam our site 3 pages deep each week is abuse. there isn't a security function in place..or for some reason cannot be placed...or just doesn't work. I will say thankfully our accounts are not being hacked...
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
@Thunder_Child there are several security functions in place including captcha authentication. Spam bots have been able to get through everything.
I agree with you that this is on the whole a very positive and respectful/responsible community. Unfortunately, in the past some members did abuse post flags by, for example, clicking "Awesome" on every one of their own posts. Some people will always make bad choices and I empathize with the argument that the rest of us shouldn't be penalized for their behavior.
After banning about twenty spam bot accounts today and seeing the top page fill up with their posts over and over again I have to say I'm with you in wanting some sort of spam button.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
edited April 2015
Hi @Thunder_Child Yes, to echo part of what @tatiang said, on the whole this a very positive and respectful/responsible community - but the Forums have thousands upon thousands of members, 99.99% who are well-behaved... the tiny minority can spoil it for the rest --- oh, you get the picture - wasn't pointing the finger or accusing or anything like that...
To clarify, no way was I personally viewing the Forums members with some mob mentality.
So I personally still think a spam button - which will give everyone the ability to delete posts - will eventually be abused by that tiny minority. It'd only take one rogue member to delete half the Forums - for "fun"....
Sorry to disagree with you, Tatian! But hey, that decision would be down to the administrators so I wait to see if that potential solution is initiated....
Ok I can see what you mean...however I thought most "spam/flag" buttons required a number of click prior to a deletion or action, that way it can't be one person who comes in and just deletes everything in the forums...that would suck. Point taken.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
The reality is imo that the spam doesn't actually have an effect on your use of the forums beyond being annoying as hell.
However the spam button being available to all members some of which are most defiantly massive trolls would have the ability to directly screw with your use of the forums.
Some jack wagon doesn't like you or your post and at the click of a button they can hide it from everyone until a mod drops by to unleash it from spam jail. That's gonna really piss you off.
I think most of us are online often enough we can catch the majority of it as its happening.
@tenrdrmer said:
No apparently not since I've banned and new people pop up under the same ip. We have to send ips to gs to have them banned
Sounds like something @ForumNinja needs to look at. I know for certain it's possible to compare registrations on Vanilla forums to a blacklist, and if they're spamming here they've likely spammed elsewhere!
Also, perhaps limit accounts (or ideally IPs) to a certain number of posts within a certain time period. 3 posts in 10 minutes or something. Nobody is legitimately going to need to post more than that.
ForumNinjaKey Master, Head Chef, Member, PROPosts: 554
edited April 2015
@Armelline I see your point I've updated the flood control to allow posting of 2 discussions within 30 seconds before it gives out a spamblock (the only thing shorter being 1 discussion every 30 seconds, which is probably reasonable as well).
Here's another idea... If you're a new, non-Pro member, your first X amount of posts (say 10) have to be approved by a mod before they even show up in the forums.
If only there would be a phone number one could call to take care of every single problem in the world... :P
@ForumNinja @tatiang @tenrdrmer @jonmulcahy @gyroscope @SlickZero @RThurman @uptimistik @TheMoonwalls
Pretty sure you guys are aware but I tagged you anyways.
Best one I saw was 'Voodoo in Central London' which has all the halmarks of a great pulp horror/detective plot... Carnacki the Ghost Hunter in 'A case of the voodoo you do!'
Thanks for the heads up
I think I got it all
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@jonmulcahy Ode to a small lump of green spam I found on My gamesalad one Easter afternoon. Two actually probably more soon.
Think I just got the latest round cleared up
The one that started with an "e" caught my eye.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Moderators: @ForumNinja @tatiang @tenrdrmer @jonmulcahy @gyroscope @SlickZero @RThurman @uptimistik @TheMoonwalls, do you think there could be a spam button or some way of us helping you moderate it?
Hi @zweg25 That's a good idea but one open to possible abuse - best to leave to the mods to clean up as we've been doing - eventually we'll track down the culprits "and put an end to their game"... hopefully...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Us members seem...appear to be pretty well behaved...abusing a SPAM button does not seem like what our community is about here. Im surprised we are viewed as having that type of mob mentality to abuse such a function. having non members spam our site 3 pages deep each week is abuse. there isn't a security function in place..or for some reason cannot be placed...or just doesn't work. I will say thankfully our accounts are not being hacked...
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@Thunder_Child there are several security functions in place including captcha authentication. Spam bots have been able to get through everything.
I agree with you that this is on the whole a very positive and respectful/responsible community. Unfortunately, in the past some members did abuse post flags by, for example, clicking "Awesome" on every one of their own posts. Some people will always make bad choices and I empathize with the argument that the rest of us shouldn't be penalized for their behavior.
After banning about twenty spam bot accounts today and seeing the top page fill up with their posts over and over again I have to say I'm with you in wanting some sort of spam button.
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Hi @Thunder_Child Yes, to echo part of what @tatiang said, on the whole this a very positive and respectful/responsible community - but the Forums have thousands upon thousands of members, 99.99% who are well-behaved... the tiny minority can spoil it for the rest --- oh, you get the picture - wasn't pointing the finger or accusing or anything like that...
To clarify, no way was I personally viewing the Forums members with some mob mentality.
So I personally still think a spam button - which will give everyone the ability to delete posts - will eventually be abused by that tiny minority. It'd only take one rogue member to delete half the Forums - for "fun"....
Sorry to disagree with you, Tatian! But hey, that decision would be down to the administrators so I wait to see if that potential solution is initiated....
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Ok I can see what you mean...however I thought most "spam/flag" buttons required a number of click prior to a deletion or action, that way it can't be one person who comes in and just deletes everything in the forums...that would suck. Point taken.
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Yeah something that just puts the threads to one side ready for revue by a mod and not visible on the recent discussions page.
Of course a lot is dependent on the capabilities of the VinillaForums front end
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The reality is imo that the spam doesn't actually have an effect on your use of the forums beyond being annoying as hell.
However the spam button being available to all members some of which are most defiantly massive trolls would have the ability to directly screw with your use of the forums.
Some jack wagon doesn't like you or your post and at the click of a button they can hide it from everyone until a mod drops by to unleash it from spam jail. That's gonna really piss you off.
I think most of us are online often enough we can catch the majority of it as its happening.
Does the forum compare registration IP addresses to any of the forum spammer blacklists?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
No apparently not since I've banned and new people pop up under the same ip. We have to send ips to gs to have them banned
Sounds like something @ForumNinja needs to look at. I know for certain it's possible to compare registrations on Vanilla forums to a blacklist, and if they're spamming here they've likely spammed elsewhere!
Also, perhaps limit accounts (or ideally IPs) to a certain number of posts within a certain time period. 3 posts in 10 minutes or something. Nobody is legitimately going to need to post more than that.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
There is IP banning but forumninja has to apply those himself. Vanilla changed permissions a while back and made that an administrator level option.
I think a post limit is something that would be a good idea.
Last I checked we do have a post limit in place (I'll double check). I'll also look into further measures we can take to limit the spam today.
Edit: Here's a screenshot of our current "flood control"
That's one discussion every 30 seconds. Seems very generous
I can't imagine any legitimate need for that frequent posting.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline I see your point
I've updated the flood control to allow posting of 2 discussions within 30 seconds before it gives out a spamblock (the only thing shorter being 1 discussion every 30 seconds, which is probably reasonable as well).
Bump for spam. @ForumNinja @tatiang @tenrdrmer @jonmulcahy @gyroscope @SlickZero @RThurman @uptimistik @TheMoonwalls
I don't know if you guys want me to tag you whenever the spam gets bad. Lmk.
Here's another idea... If you're a new, non-Pro member, your first X amount of posts (say 10) have to be approved by a mod before they even show up in the forums. (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
Hey @RabidParrot we had the same idea at the same time about the spam tin.
Spooky, are you my long lost identical twin?
Great minds think alike.
@RabidParrot no need to notify me each time. I tend to see the spam before I see the notification anyway. Thanks.
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Hey tatty want a new profile pic, there's a good one on my thread for free art.
I think the spam tin will suit you down to the ground