We've Successfully Moved Over to Vanilla's New Infrastructure!
Hello everyone,
As of yesterday evening we've officially been moved over to Vanilla's new infrastructure! There shouldn't be any issues, but if you do experience any weird issues on the forums then feel free to post them here and I'll be sure to inform Vanilla.
Alex Nichols, a.k.a ForumNinja
After I send a message to someone I have to refresh the page to see it.
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Any new cool features we can expect to see because of this change?
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When I PM someone or make a post they don't always show up, sometimes if you refresh the page the post/PM has successfully been sent, other times it hasn't.
The 'Forum' button is missing:
Still clickable, but invisible.
I've got that, it became loose, looked like it was going to fall off, so I took it down, I'm currently using it as a door stop.
If you hover your mouse over the GameSalad logo in the top lefthand corner then hold down command+alt+control+shift and then type T+T+R+S while simultanioulsy force quitting your browser you launch a full screen version of Tetris . . . .
It says that the page for downloading iOS viewer doesn't Exist.
I cannot imagine that one is a vanilla issue. Vanilla is only forum software.
I noticed this earlier so add me to the list reporting this one.
Thank you @Socks, first i thought it was a joke, but the Tetris trick is amazing!
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Haha, and BS: it won't on an iPad, because you can't hold down : "command+alt+control+shift and then type T+T+R+S while simultanioulsy force quitting your browser"!
I don't have an iPhone, just an iPad R and iPod Touch, but if you can you do that on an iPhone, maybe I should get one?
Does it work better on the Gold ones?
Wait, seriously? When you were buying the iPad, didn't you know there is a customization option you can get from Apple? Then it works quite easily. All you need to do is press the power button until the power off slider pops up and then you need to slide it while tapping the melody of the Tetris Theme on the bottom half of the screen.
I've noticed a few of these myself (especially the word "Forum" missing, however I know this to be something on our end).
As for the having to refresh to see your messages get posted/sent. I was noticing this happening a little before we made the swap so I don't think that the swap caused it. I'll be sure to bring it up to them though
@Braydon_SFX I believe it should just be a smoother experience. Some of the pro's of switching over that they gave me were:
@Socks Tetris glitch confirmed.
Yeah, I saw that, but you know Apple, they want to charge an arm and a leg for a Custom Build.
@ForumNinja Sometimes when I go back to GameSalad Kitchen from a post, the Menu Bar disappears and displays "Best of..." and my status, top right, shows I am logged out. All the Pro Categories disappear as well. At first I kept logging back in, until I discovered that if I use the browser Back Button everything goes back to normal = Logged In?
I have been here over a year now and I can't think of a time when there hasn't been some issue with Vanilla.
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I pressed command+alt+Esc+while simultaneously typing g+i+v+e+m+e+a+m+l+l+i+o+n+d+o+l+l+a+r+s....sadly nothing happened.
@ForumNinja I need a fix to this ASAP !
Also...what kind of twisted sick hacker just desides to try that and happen to actually find Tetris ?
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You must have typed it wrong, i tried it and checked my account seems like its working
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@raycur09 Ha ha! Looks like my bank statement... except the balance is negative and move the decimal point two numerals to the left.