Why did you name your company/studio what you did?
Just as the title says, why did you choose the name you did for your game company/studio? As everyone can see, my company is called Utveckla Games. Now "Utveckla" is swedish for "develop" so my company name literally mean "Develop Games".
The wrench on my icon is a common sign of development. Such as Xcode has a hammer, mine is a wrench, as you would see an engineer, mechanic or any physical developer carrying. So what's your name/icon mean?

While sitting in the bath with a dictionary and a pen I randomly flicked the pages with my eyes closed and put the pen to paper and I'd stopped on utopia (utopian) so there ya have it a true story that might make you smile.
How did 'Utopian Games' evolve into 'DeepBlueApps'?
- Thomas
It started out like a funny nickname but it later started to sound good in my hears. And that guy that started to call me fajlajp were the reason for me start designing games(he had a challenge for me, but when I won it, I thought that designing game is really fun)
Thats why we have the name Wingman Apps
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
When I work on the computer, I always drink coffee, That coffee is always drunk out of a thermos flask; So that's where "Thermo-Apps" came about
Lump Apps and My Assets
- Thomas
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
When the internet arrived a few years after, my online presence became 'Quantum Sheep' - it's kinda stuck with me since!
QS :
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Barely able to walk, I stumbled to the entrance.
I was greeted by a diminutive figure of a man with balding hair, a long and unkempt beard and a crooked, friendly smile.
With my parched throat and cracked lips I croaked:
"Tell me... what... is... the best studio name ever?"
The man stood thinking, falling deep into his own mind as if in a trance. Suddenly his eyes lit up in triumph and satisfaction. Three words he spoke to me:
"Honey Tribe Studios"
And lo. So it was to be(e).
Coincidentally, Honey Tribe was also the name of my first game. So that worked out ok.
About 20 years ago I was sitting in the bath with my socks on . . . .
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.