★Hungry Piranha v2.0★ 11 months of work

YouKnowMeYouKnowMe Member Posts: 74
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hello everyone!

About a year ago I released my first app: Hungry Piranha, but because I was quite inexperienced that time lots of bugs destroyed the gameplay. A week after the release of v1.0 I decided to totaly re-create HP, it was a painfull decision. it took me about 11 months (3 hours a day because I'm a 17 year old student) to finish v2.0. And I can really say: it definitly paid off! Everything is as polished as possible.

Trailer of Hungry Piranha v2.0

Thanks' to everyone who make the gamesalad forums as awesome as it is now :)!

I would be really gratefull if you leave a kind review. If you don't have the $0.99 but do wan't to leave a review, send an email to: [email protected], i will send a promo code back (when there are still codes left) as quickly as I can!


Coffee Arcade


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