My iPhone Game Cracked The Top 10
Hey guys, tonight my Australian football game "Specky: Mark of the Year" cracked the top 10 paid apps in Australia. I released it 1 week ago today and it's been rising steadily up the charts ever since.
I haven't been featured by Apple (yet), its been purely by word of mouth and getting the word out on various football forums.
Fair to say I'm stoked about making top 10, thanks to everyone that's ever helped me on the forums and everyone at Gamesalad for all their help!
I haven't been featured by Apple (yet), its been purely by word of mouth and getting the word out on various football forums.
Fair to say I'm stoked about making top 10, thanks to everyone that's ever helped me on the forums and everyone at Gamesalad for all their help!
That's good going, getting there without a feature
How has that effected it's sales?
Divine Wind: Kamikaze!
Divine Wind: LITE-NING
My game is a very niche game for the most popular sport in Australia so most of my marketing was done on football specific Internet forums and posting on the walls of Football Facebook groups.
In Rochester by any chance? Thats where I am!