New Game! - Advice / Criticism welcome!

Hey everyone,
The one thing I noticed throughout the forum is to make sure your game is polished! Now with my latest game, I have definitely taken my time making sure everything polished. Please have a look at the images posted and please let me know what you think.
The game is a sling shot based game with a pong twist. the objective is to stop the drawing pins from touching the ground and allow for the little guy to make it to the teleport pad. You need to save 3 little guys for each level. There are 48 levels in total, each with their own challenges; static, rotating and moving platforms make each level harder as you progress. In conjuction with the platforms, the ball that you sling shot, only has a certain amount of bounces that it can handle before it explodes. The ball will not re-spawn until it has exploded or disappeared off the screen.
I hope to have a video clip of game play up soon.
I am really keen to get it on to the app store soon, so any advice or comments / criticism are welcome!
The one thing I noticed throughout the forum is to make sure your game is polished! Now with my latest game, I have definitely taken my time making sure everything polished. Please have a look at the images posted and please let me know what you think.
The game is a sling shot based game with a pong twist. the objective is to stop the drawing pins from touching the ground and allow for the little guy to make it to the teleport pad. You need to save 3 little guys for each level. There are 48 levels in total, each with their own challenges; static, rotating and moving platforms make each level harder as you progress. In conjuction with the platforms, the ball that you sling shot, only has a certain amount of bounces that it can handle before it explodes. The ball will not re-spawn until it has exploded or disappeared off the screen.
I hope to have a video clip of game play up soon.
I am really keen to get it on to the app store soon, so any advice or comments / criticism are welcome!
Good luck finishing this one off,
I wasn't too sure about the pins, they kinda look out of place... I will go back to the drawing board and see what i can do.
Recent updates since the last post include color matching and polishing of the pins...
Let me know what you think, good and bad...
The final look is all about detail and I think can lift the project from just looking ok to something far more professional looking. I would replace all the fonts, symbols, and game text with hand drawn replacements. Just write and draw out everything you need and scan them (or photograph it if you don't have a scanner). You could try doing this on rough watercolour paper with a soft pencil as this would give you a really grainy look. Once you have the imges as digital files get it into an art program (photoshop is where I do this kind of stuff) and clean up, size, and possibly convert all to white bitmaps on an alpha background. This way when you put it into GS you can adjust the colour and transparency to whatever you want and everything would have a solid and consistent style, which I think would give a better and more individual look.
For myself I try never to have more than 2 'looks'. In your case I would use the photographic (which I would include the paper as part of), and the hand drawn. I would go as so far as to trace out you jumping guy in hand line (or make an animated charachter from bits of stationary like erasers, push pins, elastic bands, pencil stubs, scissors, paper clips, etc) and I would try to get the push pins as an image that works without a border. To do this I would see if I could scan the push pin or photograph it so I had a a very large image I could clean up, get a really nice cut out on alpha and then resize down as a sprite. Work with all the elements as in your art program, and do grabs from GS to check for placement, etc.
The elastic band that fires I would try to get to be in place as a photographic image suspended between the pencil parts and tied around the pencil ends, with the body of it hanging between firings. Then switch to a similarly coloured graphics (as you have but coloured to match the band), during firing.
just my opinion...
good luck and I do really like what you are doing. It's just I see it and can imagine it with the stuff in place.
Thanks again @Asymptoteell & @old_kipper
Not sure if it will be a problem or not, but I'd figured I give the heads up.
Sorry, but I never, and I think, many others will not paying for this game.
The graphics is poor, the concept is poor...
I don't understand this community: I've read a lot of game announcements on FS forum, and of course read the comments and suggestions too, and I see rarely useful comments. Why didn't you say for this developer, that the game is worthless and try to develop an other game/concept? This developer worked with this game 1-4 months, and this time wasted is gone.
I'm waiting for good games on Gamesalad.