When should I release my game?

Hi, I have made a pretty cool game, titled Phase II. It is a survival game where the player controls a spaceship that must avoid hitting big black blocks, or you will get destroyed by a big evil laser. Their are plenty of extra features and such, so it is DECENT.
At the moment the entire game is complete, except i have no sounds or music. Should I stick "Itunes compatible" and release it now? Or should i get some sounds and let it wait a bit, anyone have some advice? And once i have finished it, when should i release it then? BTW - I dont have any physical devices to test it on though. Sad.
At the moment the entire game is complete, except i have no sounds or music. Should I stick "Itunes compatible" and release it now? Or should i get some sounds and let it wait a bit, anyone have some advice? And once i have finished it, when should i release it then? BTW - I dont have any physical devices to test it on though. Sad.
Submitting to the app store without any form of device testing is a bad idea. Real bad.
The last thing you want to do is rush an app to the App Store, take your time with it.
Your game will very likely get the most attention when you first release it, so you don't want to release something that isn't as good as it can be.
If you think sounds will improve your game, wait.
Its extremly stupid and irresponsible to release without testing. For all you know it could be crashing on the device as soon as it starts.
Im sorry but like i said if you cant find a device to borrow, or afford one, this isnt for you
They might bug test it for you? of course after the sound is added.
I would offer, but at the moment just waiting for some cash to get an apple dev license.
Dev license is $99 per year. Tried to get it as an expense at work, but they denied, just need to wait till the end of the month.
if you want you can send me the game file and i'll test it on ipad, iphone (and possibly my tester's ipod touch as well, but there's no guarantee since sometimes their response is slow)
If you have a set of Apple headphones you can even skip to the next/previous tunes.
It's one of those undocumented GS features - and the first time I discovered it was with Kraken a year ago - so it should work..
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Hey sheep, is my iPhone game already in retina display? It fills that lol camera thing, but on the iPhone will it automatically be scaled down to retina display? And what is res independence?