How many average downloads does your Game get per day.

AdamgoproAdamgopro Member Posts: 310
ok so i released my first game 3 days ago and I've had 1300 downloads not sure if this is good or not? the application is free and was in top 20 in the featured free strategy and action games and its still kinda high up in the rankings just curious as to how many downloads your games have had state as below

average downloads per day : 250 - 400

paid / free ? : free

Game name : Spacerage


  • carlblanchetcarlblanchet Member Posts: 755
    Damn. Those are some nice numbers! Congrats!
  • pinkio75pinkio75 Member, PRO Posts: 1,217
    edited October 2012
    250-400 is normal for new free App.
    i I've had 1500 for free app in the first 3 days
    but after 5-7 days I've had 50-100.
  •[email protected] Member Posts: 24
    how about paid app ($99)? how much do you earn a day?
    250-400 is normal for new free App.
    i I've had 1500 for free app in the first 3 days
    but after 5-7 days I've had 50-100.
  •[email protected] Member Posts: 24
    and how about advertisement?
  • pinkio75pinkio75 Member, PRO Posts: 1,217
    edited October 2012
    About paid app i don't pass ever the 100 units per month.

    About Free Apps with iAd i make about 4$-7$ per day.

    just to be clear:
    for my experience to make 5$-10$ with iAd per day
    your downloads should be at least 300-400 per day.

    And i think we have two ways to monetize Apps:
    1) if you have 40 free Apps, then their sum has this result (is my case).

    2) Or if you have a Great additive game, it can make 10$ iAd
    per day in the first month. (not my case unfortunately!)
    bye :)
  •[email protected] Member Posts: 24
    thanks for your information.
    yes, i think iAd at the first before, but they do not have the service to send the check or cash to Malaysia. Then, maybe i will try Admob.

    yes i understand what you mean.
    thank yo so much for the information. >:D<
  • pinkio75pinkio75 Member, PRO Posts: 1,217
  • AroneStudiosAroneStudios Member, PRO Posts: 89
    Well, I guess i'm below the average then..

    I just released my first paid app.. and my sales are pretty low..


    Free: Hold the Bus Lt -

    Paid: Poster Dash -

    How do you promote your games?.. I Really need some help in there..I Guess i'll open a new discussion for this.
  •[email protected] Member Posts: 24
    @pinkio75 oh, unfortunately~
    But i think Admobile is unavailable for GS user at this time.
    @AroneStudios oh i see. but mind if i ask you a question? did you advertise it?
    Well, I guess i'm below the average then..

    I just released my first paid app.. and my sales are pretty low..


    Free: Hold the Bus Lt -

    Paid: Poster Dash -

    How do you promote your games?.. I Really need some help in there..I Guess i'll open a new discussion for this.
  • AdamgoproAdamgopro Member Posts: 310
    @aronestudios i have a sneaky promoting way of my own ive just checked my recent sales and today ive had another 500+ downloads i wanted to ask you something too arone would you make me a trailer for my game if so i will help you out and re-post your video on my youtube channel as i have 1.1 million + video views in total i really like your type of editing i can send you all the video clips you need for it to be done?
  •[email protected] Member Posts: 24
    @Aronestudios this video is about to teach you how to promote your app.

    it a bit too long. but this is very useful video. a "must watch video" for those who making apps.

    these are the point i get from youtube marketing tips.
    1. send an email to (tab/tap) blog. please/ask them to promote your app.
    2. ask somebody help for promoting your app in magazine. (another) some of them are free
    3. youtube. actually you can promote by yourself. "Ipad/Iphone review : (game name) this is because when a person boring, he/she will search iphone/ipad game on youtube search bar. i am the one who do this. or you can ask @adangopro for a lil help
    4. facebook or twitter. open a page on facebook(if you think you need it) its free.
    5. if you are good in article, go write some article. i learn this on youtube too. actually youtube have a lot of "free consultant" for us. or you just type "how to promote my apps to apple" on google. maybe if you lucky, you will get it.
    6. publisher like chilingo . but im not very sure in this. better ask them.) maybe they will do the rest. all you need to do is receive money.

    these are the point i learn on internet. im sorry, my english grammar may have some problem. but hope these point are useful.
  • AroneStudiosAroneStudios Member, PRO Posts: 89 I did Locally, I'm from Brazil, and i don't know why, people seams to think that $0.99 is big money.. well.. i don't know.. I don't have many contacts at the US or Anywhere else for that matter. I desperate need help ;)

    @adamgopro We can discuss that ;).. I guess that kind of help would be very useful right now.. but that kind of editing takes time.. email me so we can talk about this -aronestudios at gmail dot com - post your channel link please ;)

  •[email protected] Member Posts: 24
    beside, graphic and polish and screenshot are important too.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    I think that your download rate goes down as the app ages - Frozen Finder HD, my Free word game, use to get about 300 downloads per day - 3 months later it only gets about 20-30 per day.

    However, when I set one of my paid apps free for a day, I usually get 5,000+ downloads in that day.
  • AroneStudiosAroneStudios Member, PRO Posts: 89
    Wow guys.. You guys have some impressive numbers.. Hope i'll do that well one day ;)

    @braydon_SFX any suggestions on the marketing matter?
  • skippertechskippertech Member Posts: 67
    I think that your download rate goes down as the app ages - Frozen Finder HD, my Free word game, use to get about 300 downloads per day - 3 months later it only gets about 20-30 per day.

    However, when I set one of my paid apps free for a day, I usually get 5,000+ downloads in that day.
    @braydon_SFX with that free app a day thing they set a paid app to free for a day, then they make it back to normal paid price the next. does that work? do you notice an increase in downloads the next day?.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    @Skippertech & @AroneStudios - I didn't use that service. Your free to change the price of your app as you wish. All I did was post on Facebook and Twitter about it going free for a certain day. Yes, there was a big increase in sales the next day, however, the sales went back to normal after about 2 days.
  • skippertechskippertech Member Posts: 67
    Well that still is pretty cool
  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653
    edited October 2012
    @AroneStudios Great art in your games, very nice.

    I have two paid games, and the downloads are low.

    I want to release a free version with Ads, as I think that would help me a lot.

    But I want to wait for the Native Code engine, so my load times are not so embarrassing.

    I released Rad Skater Apocalypse in June, and have only had a few hundred downloads in total, mostly in the first month when I was promoting it in various ways... I don't feel I've succeeded in reaching a broader market, mostly just friends on Facebook, and a bit of a spike of sales after featuring in an article in the Australian national newspaper The Age (but only around 50 sales that day).

    Really, until it sells 5000+ units, I won't have made anything like the time I put into it, but ya just gotta keep going! :)

    Rad Skater Apocalypse - Trailer

    Rad Skater Apocalypse for iPhone

    I released Pulp Diction a few weeks ago, and I've sold about 100 copies for 99c.

    Pulp Diction - Trailer

    Pulp Diction HD for iPad

    Pulp Diction for iPhone

    I think I need to get free versions out, with iAds.

    Bottom line: Don't put out a 99c app and expect it to sell.

    You'll need to do a lot of marketing, in whatever inventive and crazy ways you can think of, to get anyone to even notice it's there, or care enough to buy it.

    - Murray

  • nrconceptsnrconcepts PRO Posts: 36
    Wow adamgopro, that is amazing, to get that many downloads straight away!

    We just launched our game 2 days ago. It is just being picked up now in the search listings in google play. We just launched on android, still waiting to launch on iOs.

    What kind of promotions did you do to get your game noticed that fast?
  • carlblanchetcarlblanchet Member Posts: 755
    What kind of promotions did you do to get your game noticed that fast?
    I would love to know as well!

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